Important Environmental News!
County landfill owners agree to pollution controls | Sampson Independent | September 6
From outside North Carolina’s largest landfill | Southern Environmental Law Center | February 14
A decades-long battle against North Carolina’s largest landfill is ramping up | Grist | January 19
Fighting forever chemicals | Southern Environmental Law Center | December 26
Sampson County residents wary of landfill’s methane plan | North Carolina Health News | August 21
A historic win for democracy in North Carolina | Southern Environmental Law Center | August 22
Environmental Justice for All Act moves forward | Southern Environmental Law Center | July 29
N.C. releases general biogas permit despite environmental justice concerns | Southerly Mag | July 12
How Black North Carolinians pay the price for the world’s cheap bacon | Vox | April 21
‘This plan is a lie’: Biogas on hog farms could do more harm than good | Southerly Mag | March 24
Hog farming has a massive poop problem [VIDEO] | Vox | Jan 4
Align RNG Settlement Spotlights Biogas Plant Regulation | The Appalachian Voice | November 1
N.C. Biogas Industry [VIDEO] | North Carolina Agriculture | April 12
A Fighting Chance | The Alumni Magazine for Vermont Law School | Spring 2021
Enviva BioMass, Port of Wilmington Facility [VIDEO] | Vinegar-based Productions | November 15, 2018
Why Is China Treating North Carolina Like the Developing World? | Rolling Stone | March 19, 2018
Additional Resources
A Brief History of Environmental Justice [VIDEO] | ProPublica | August 4, 2017
North Carolina town plagued by 40-year-old contamination | Fortune | October 11, 2015